Toolkits and best practices shared by EDN members thanks to increased collaboration in European projects
EDN members joined forces in different projects to exchange practices and learn from each other on how to best communicate to different audiences. Two projects focused specifically on increasing and strengthening the visibility of contemporary dance - both as leaders and as makers.
This cooperation project (2013-2015) aimed to stregthen the European cotnemporary dance scene, contributing to its competitive edge and visibility within the international creative industry. It focused on recognizing and acknowledging these multi-layered aspects required for cultural leaders with responsibility for teams, funding, communication and distribution.
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BSCD supported dance artists and makers at all stages of their careers to communicate their work effectively. Over the course of the project (2016-2017), it developed thinking, tools and methods that are accessible for all dance practitionners to use.
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Preserving dance and increasing its audience
Dance is an ephemeral art form, but many actions have been taken over the years to make it accessible to a broader audience. One key tool for this are platforms for video dance, such as, the French platform managed by Maison de la Danse in Lyon.
The cooperation project European Video Dance Heritage (2013-2015) aimed to encourage and support cultural cooperation within Europe in order to bring European common cultural heritage to the fore working across disciplines with the media. Coordinated by Maison de la Danse, it included a larger diffusion of numeridanse throughout Europe.
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Learning from Maison de la Danse expertise, EDN members joined the Atelier in Lyon in March 2015 to learn how to use video archives as a tool for mediation. Contents of the atelier focused on 2 topics: Preservation and dissemination of dance archives, and video as a tool for mediation.
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