
Engagement of members


EDN works with a participatory governance, engaging the members throughout the decision making process


The Assembly is EDN’s governing body. It meets at least once a year, with the participation of members who decide on issues under its authority and with a majority vote subject to the agreements.

The Assembly can amend the Statutes and approve internal regulations, elect or remove members from the Board, ratify its agreements and monitor its activity, approve the budget, accounts, and internal regulations, appoint and dismiss members, and close the association.

Board of Directors

The Board presides over, administers and represents EDN for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 8 years. It is formed by a minimum of 3 members: the President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. At most 11 board members can be appointed.

The Board has the power to represent, manage and administer EDN, to call the Assembly and comply with any decision made, to report on the balance sheet and financial statements and to make recommendations.

The Board passes resolutions with a simple majority.

Working groups

Sector consultations are performed via EDN activities and Working groups to inform and progress EDN's aims and objectives. Working groups may involve members, strategic partners, and other stakeholder representatives, including collaborations with other networks.



Partnerships and

The development of cooperation projects is one of the current focal points of the work carried out by the association

EDN actively supports many projects that stem from the consultation carried out by working groups. These projects may also involve institutions that are not part of EDN to enrich our knowledge and connections.

The development of cooperation projects is one of the current focal points of the work carried out by the association. With a minimum of 3 EDN members from different countries assigned to a project, the network provides dissemination support.


EDN was legally constituted in Barcelona, Spain on 25 May 2009.

The latest Statutes were ratified by the EDN General Assembly on 27 June 2023.

Environmental Policy

EDN's Environmental Policy was reviewed and adopted on 25 September 2023