Dance is experiencing disproportionate and inequitable budget cuts across Europe.
MoreThe wildfire of dance defunding continues to spread across Germany.
MoreStudy requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education.
MoreCAE's State of Culture report emphasizes the essential role that culture plays in shaping democratic futures, providing meaning, and fostering collective identity in societies undergoing rapid change.
MoreFree to Create: Artistic Freedom in Europe examines the challenges European artists and cultural workers face in the practice of their right to freedom of artistic expression.
MoreHow citizens’ participation in cultural activities enhances civic engagement, democracy and social cohesion: lessons from international research
MoreEU recommendations to improve working conditions of artists and cultural and creative professionals.
MoreLearning from the experiences of transnational cultural practitioners supported by the Nordic Culture Fund's Globus programme.
MoreThe Irish Government has launched a new and pioneering pilot scheme to support artists and creative arts workers. The Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme will examine, over a 3 year period, the impact of a basic income on artists and creative arts workers. The application portal will open at 1pm on Tuesday, April 12, 2022.