Photo: Andreas Etter, Design: Bureau Est

The German Federal Cultural Foundation is seeking an Artistic Director (or team) to develop an overall substantive and artistic concept for a new triannual international industry event, “Tanztriennale 2026”.

​​The position entails substantive and organisational cooperation with municipal and regional dance institutions and stakeholders and adaptation of the Tanztriennale's activities to local conditions.

The Artistic Director(s) will see it as their duty to provide the audience with an insight into the diverse working methods in dance by means of new productions, guest performances and educational formats. A continuous presence in the city is expected in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the regional conditions and to work closely with local partners.

Candidates are expected to have excellent knowledge of international and German dance and a large network of stakeholders in dance and, ideally, other art disciplines.

The deadline for applications is 31 August 2024.