Bodies in Free Fall
transformative policies for dance
Advocating for improved working conditions in contemporary dance in the Balkans.
MoreThis event was organized in Ljubljana by Kino Šiška and the Nomad Dance Academy, Slovenia - in the framework of the Choreographic Convention of Lifelong Burning.
Focus on contemporary dance
Nomad Dance Academy and Kino Šiška with the support of the City of Ljubljana and numerous local and international partners invited key art professionals and city representatives to attend a three-day conference on an international network of residencies in the field of contemporary performing arts, with special focus on contemporary dance.
Purpose of the conference is to build a network of residencies in South-East Europe as a model of institutionalized and decentralized center for contemporary dance.
Find the full programme here:
EDN supported this first convention with the active participation of two board members, Pia Krämer (O Espaço do Tempo) and Paul-Eric Labrosse (La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse Occitanie).
At this occasion, EDN President Pia Krämer was interviewed on Slovenian TV (from 1 min 05). Watch the interview here.
Artistic and discursive gatherings, presentations and professional advocacy platforms
The Creative Europe cooperation project Life Long Burning (LLB) – Towards a sustainable Eco-System for Contemporary Dance in Europe has started to develop Choreographic Conventions, professional platforms addressing current issues of the dance field as well as the field’s place in society. The first convention was organised by Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia in collaboration with Centre for Urban Culture Kino Šiška (EDN member). Other conventions are announced here: