EDN recently welcomed four new members to the network. Our new members are dance development organisations, representative of their local, regional and national scenes. Their work revolves around continuous care for the career development of dance artists and other professionals. They offer dedicated space, time and conditions for research, creation, and presentation of work, and respond to situated contemporary contexts through socially minded curation and practices. They engage with citizens, and with local and international communities, co-creating a public space for encounters between movement creators, facilitators and audiences.

Condeduque Centre for Contemporary Culture (Madrid, Spain)


Condeduque is a space where contemporary culture can be experienced through a varied and innovative programme. A place full of vitality, a public centre for the dissemination and exchange of artistic and cultural practices, open to all the citizens of Madrid. Condeduque is open to all performance disciplines and is especially suited to the world of dance, providing opportunities for Madrid’s dance companies to carry on developing the city’s dance scene.

DANTZAZ Dantza Garatzeko Elkartea (Errenteria, Gipuzkoa, Spain)


Dantzaz is located in the facilities of Gipuzkoako Dantzagunea where choreographic creation, mediation, community practices and accompanying artistic processes go hand in hand. Dantzaz encourages employment and professionalisation in the dance sector, promotes choreographic creation, research, and innovation, and provides opportunities to an international community of performers and choreographers.

Divadlo Štúdio tanca (Banská Bystrica, Slovakia)


Divadlo Štúdio tanca is the first professional contemporary dance theatre in Slovakia with a permanent company. It serves as a dynamic crossroads connecting the cultural and artistic trajectories of Slovakia, where quality contemporary dance is presented all year round. Divadlo Štúdio tanca provides generous and harmonious conditions for artistic creation, the coordination team, residents, guests and the local community.

HKD - Croatian Cultural Center Rijeka (Croatia)


HKD is the only cultural centre in Rijeka that enriches the cultural offer with its own production, international and local collaborations and co-productions, and the implementation of educational programs. HKD’s mission is to provide professional, infrastructural, technical and logistical support in the coordination, preparation and implementation of cultural and artistic programs and other events intended to stimulate and meet the cultural and social needs of the local citizens.


Now counting 52 members from 28 countries in Europe, EDN is proud to represent four new local communities, three new regions and one new national scene from the contemporary dance landscape in Europe.

Bodies in Free Fall

transformative policies for dance

Advocating for improved working conditions in contemporary dance in the Balkans.
