EDN is introducing Co-Presidency model and five new board members

During the General Assembly, co-organised by Mercat de les Flors, held in Barcelona on 28 June 2022, EDN members voted for new president and board members of the European Dancehouse Network. 

With unanimous vote, members confirmed the co-presidents Kerstin Evert (K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan) and Laurent Meheust (Le Gymnase CDCN), appointed Suzy Blok (ICK Amsterdam/Artist Space) as a new Secretary and new board members Anand Bhatt (Dance City), Chiara Organtini (Lavanderia a Vapore), Louise Costelloe (Dance Ireland), Atanas Maev (Derida Dance Center) and Mathis Junet (TROIS C-L), who will join Mitja Bravhar (Treasurer, Kino Šiška Center for Urban Culture) and Catja Loepfe (Tanzhaus Zürich). 

You can find out more about the Board of Directors on the EDN's website

Camping is back to CN D Pantin

14 - 25 October 2024

Camping is a unique way to experience dance and meet with artists and dance students from the international choreographic scene.
