EDN Official Statement Regarding the Situation in Ukraine

We, as the European Dancehouse Network, deplore the harmful, unstable and violent climate that the people of Ukraine are experiencing at the moment. We defend the idea that our strength comes from diversity, mobility, and freedom to speak, act and create – which is the foundation of our European identity, and of a free people.

In this sense, we will support any possibility for the artists of Ukraine to find refuge, support and work tools in Europe, within our houses, our institutions and with our various partners. We do not forget the many and many Russian artists who speak out against war and take risks by rising up against the oppressive regime they undergo. We also offer our support to them.

Long live Ukraine, long live peace and freedom.

On behalf of Board of directors, 

Laurent Meheust

Bodies in Free Fall

transformative policies for dance

Advocating for improved working conditions in contemporary dance in the Balkans.
