While the global lockdown is putting many activities of the dance sector on hold, artists and venues are connecting online. You can be a professional dancer or trying to find creative ways to be active at home - more and more resources are available every day.

In the sections below you can find an overview of video platforms, projects, dance publications and more. Resources from our members are marked with an *.

Please feel free to email us to share links you know about - let's make this list grow together!

Updates are listed in bold. Last update on 2 April.

Special section for artists

Emergency resources information pages

Worth noting this special open call for South-East England.

Coronavirus in the dance sector

  • Tanznetz.de provides an overview of online developments from the dance sector. The overview is regularly updated (in German).
  • Dancing Alone Together aims to be a central resource for the dance world during this time of “social distancing” - 3 sections on MOVE, CREATE, WATCH
  • "Digital Body: how can dance and choreography exist in a purely digital form?" An exploration by Alexander Whitley, London-based choreographer.
Performances online

Online programming

From 1-day exclusives to online video platforms and festivals, dance performances are coming to you! Check here below a "first" selection:

Interesting also to look back at the 2017 edition of Repères, the dance magazine of La Briqueterie* on Video-dance - in french only.

Online classes

Classes for all levels

And just a reminder: DANCE IS HEALTHY! If you need any proof of this, check the ARTE video in German, French, Polish and Spanish.

Other initiatives

Join in these special initiatives

  • Take part in the project Animal Kingdom, an initiation between Numeridanse and Akram Khan Company: "Forget the public outdoor places for now and escape to your living room, bedroom, kitchen, balcony, garden ... and bring to light your animal kingdom, solo, with family or with your roommates." Send in your video before 13 September.
  • Keren Rosenberg (associated artist Dansmakers Amsterdam*) proposes to join her and other dancers 2xweek via instagram
  • Rosas danst Rosas: follow the intro videos of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and Samantha van Wissen, and then do your version - see the short video below too!
  • Brakkesnakk, an initiative of Ines Belli and Louis Schou supported by Dansens Hus Oslo* to promote online content on Facebook (from classes to reading groups, lectures and performances) - more info here in Norwegian
  • Dance Base* proposes Bush Hartshorn Online Surgeries (for Edinburgh & Scottish artists in priority)
Listen here!

Radios online

Artists' words

Blogs from houses & artists

These blogs are in written and/or video formats.

Magazines & more

Readings on contemporary dance

Larger projects

Projects on contemporary dance

Events & meetings

Upcoming events

Digitally or in person, mark these dance & performing arts events in your calendars for the months to come!

  • Spring Forward festival comes to your home on 24-26 April! Announcement here, more details to follow!
  • IETM meeting in Tromso will happen online on Thursday, 30 April, between 12:00 - 13:30 CET
  • Circostrada Lab#5 Manchester (UK) on leadership, equality and advocacy in the Outdoor Arts and Circus sectors will happen online  (details on participation to be published later)
  • Dance Week Festival Zagreb, organised by HIPP*, 4-12 June
  • Czech Dance Platform, organised by Tanec Praha*, postponed to 24-27 November

Picture: Nepřestávej by Tereza Hradilková (2018). Dramaturgy: Lukáš Jiřička. Costume: Marjetka Kürner Kalous. (c) Divaldo Ponec

Stand Up for Creative Europe

6 May 2025

make your voice heard

​​As the EU prepares to negotiate its future budget, there is no guarantee that the programme will continue beyond 2027.
