Against Cuts in Independent Performing Arts
Dance is experiencing disproportionate and inequitable budget cuts across Europe.
MoreDance is experiencing disproportionate and inequitable budget cuts across Europe.
Performance Grand Jeté by Silvia Gribaudi - photo by Rosaliina Elgland - courtesy of Zodiak Center for New Dance and Sivuaskel Festival
Art as a political strategy
The dance field in Europe faces a new wave of censorship, repression, and defunding in independent performing arts.
"Budget cuts are no longer about money, they are nothing less than a tool of creeping censorship. They are about dismantling diverse and inclusive societies." (Milo Rau)
Ingeborg Zackariassen reports for the Springback Assembly.
Resistance now
Artistic freedom and the autonomy of cultural organisations are under attack in Europe. EDN has joined the first Europe-wide campaign addressing the European Parliament and calling for concrete actions and a clear positioning of the EU to protect the freedom and autonomy of culture in Europe.
In defence of subsidized cultural services
Cuts threaten Finnish performing arts. Dance, theatre and circus organisations point out to the decision-makers and the public that the art forms dear to Finns are in danger. The proposed cuts are disproportionate and will have a profound effect on dance, causing unemployment, fewer productions and the decline of international cooperation and festival activities. The victims are art professionals and citizens using subsidized cultural services.
Art against oppression
Since the end of November 2024, protests have been organised in Georgia in reaction to the government’s decision to delay its bid to join the European Union. The protestors have been met with violence and brutality by police and special forces. Artists, Activists, and Cultural Workers in Georgia are at the forefront of the uprising movement against an oppressive and brutal regime.
Discrimination and power imbalances
The hotspot of today's dance strives to secure its future amidst growing financial and infrastructural challenges. The Ethics Commission of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland warns of the federal government's funding cuts for the independent dance scene and the resulting discrimination and power imbalances.
Livelihoods are at risk
Creative Scotland is closing the Open Fund for Individuals, its main support fund for independent artists in Scotland. The grave consequences of this situation are described in the open letter to the first minister, signed by EDN member Dance Base and other cultural leaders. Learn more about Dance Base's steps to support independent dance artists in Scotland.
Against marginalisation
EDN member Station Service for Contemporary Dance and the Association for Independent Cultural Scenes urge public action against declining cultural support in Serbia. The lack of transparency in national funding and regressive cultural policies are severely affecting local artistic production, threatening cultural initiatives and European collaborations, and marginalizing independent and contemporary practices nationwide.
Safeguard cultural freedom now
As far-right movements gain influence across Europe, artistic freedom is increasingly coming under attack. In addition to the established cultural institutions, the arts purge in Slovakia is affecting the independent scene, which is largely dependent on the Art Support Fund. Authoritarian attacks against democracy and the freedom of artistic expression further deteriorate the already precarious working conditions in performing arts.
More infrastructure for dance
The art of dance is an innovative field. It's developing fast and has a growing audience. The dance field in Europe is a dynamic, diversified, and internationalized artistic environment. However, the sector continues to struggle with insufficient recognition in cultural policy and a lack of continuity that comes with weak and underfunded infrastructure.