The Green Travel Programme is a slow or low-impact travel incentive for participants attending EDN’s onsite activities. It provides additional travel support for using ecologically sustainable modes of transport.

An average of ten green travel top-ups of 300€ each can be distributed per year. This is additional funding for participants who receive EDN travel support.


→ Open and available for anyone upon registration for EDN activities involving travel.

→ Qualifying travels need to have a distance over 600 km and exclude air travel.


Interested participants can apply for the green travel top-up directly in the respective activity’s registration form.


After having received a confirmation from the EDN coordination team, eligible participants will need to book and pay for their travel themselves, save all the receipts and get reimbursed after attending the activity.

Distribution Criteria

If there are more applications than green travel top-ups available, the top-ups are distributed considering the following criteria in that order: 

Members (and their associates)

1. Balanced frequency of participation of members
2. Balanced regional/geographical distribution of participants
3. Distance of travel
4. Order of registration

Independent applicants (if seats left after application deadline)

1. Balanced frequency of participation of participants
2. Balanced regional/geographical distribution of participants
3. Distance of travel
4. Order of registration


For more information about EDN’s activity selection criteria and process get in touch with the EDN coordination team to consult EDN Activities Selection Criteria & Process Policy.


The Green Travel Programme is brought to you by Embodied Transformations, EDN’s EU-funded network project. It connects contemporary dance professionals, organisations, and communities across Europe to foster a stable and interdependent dance ecosystem.